

Life Report

Product Insurance Market Reports Life Rev Kazakhstan

Key Highlights

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  • Key insights and explanations of market developments in life insurance, healthcare and pensions
  • Details Kazakhstan's insurance, social security, pensions and healthcare regulatory framework and company and personal tax considerations
  • Current legislation and upcoming changes
  • The latest developments in Kazakhstan's economic and political environment
  • Demographic information
  • Market statistics and company performance

Report Overview

Independent strategic insight, line of business detail, regulatory information & market data for the life and benefits insurance market of Kazakhstan

The Kazakhstan life and benefits market report provides a comprehensive, impartial analysis of the life insurance market of Kazakhstan. Information extends to extensive detail on healthcare (public and private), pensions and benefits, and social security. Specialist researchers visit Kazakhstan and interview local professionals working across the local market. The report is updated with new information and data regularly throughout the cycle of country visits.

The report provides information about Kazakhstan’s demographic profile and assesses its economic, political, climate, operational, and security risks. Key data on the investment environment in Kazakhstan is available.

Axco’s report describes the regulatory framework that applies to the domestic life insurance sector, including whether non-admitted insurance is permitted in Kazakhstan; as well as the legislation necessary to know regarding Kazakhstan’s healthcare, pensions and social security.

Statistics include five years of life insurance market performance indicators, including gross written premiums, premium growth and penetration rates. Company statistics show who are the leading life insurance companies in Kazakhstan with local life insurance company premiums, market share and year on year growth.

Life Insurance

Axco provides details on the life insurance sector including Kazakhstan market participants, reinsurance and distribution channels. The reports describe classes of business from both individual and group life such as whole life, endowment, term life and unit-linked.
Information on non-life classes for example critical illness and private medical insurance.


The report describes the public and private healthcare system in Kazakhstan, the scope of cover, accessibility financing and provides an analysis of how the public and private systems complement each other.


Axco reports on the three pillars of Kazakhstan's pension provision.

  • State pension benefits including benefit calculations and eligibility criteria 
  • Workplace pension provision; types of schemes calculations eligibility and; tax implications
  • Voluntary individual pension provision, type of products and tax implications

Social Security

The Kazakhstan report provides an in-depth analysis of the regulatory framework governing social security as well as details on financing and eligibility. Information includes but is not limited to

  • state pensions,
  • permanent disability benefit
  • occupational accident and disease
  • maternity and paternity payments 

Kazakhstan Life and Benefits Report Extract

Below are brief extracts of information from the Kazakhstan Life & Benefits Report; more updated information may be available in the latest published report.

Life Insurance

Kazakhstan's life market was ranked 82nd globally in 2017 and could be considered a medium-sized emerging market. As in some other post-Soviet economies, insurance culture and product penetration remain quite low but the market size now exceeds USD 200mn making it by far the largest of the former soviet republics in the Central Asia and Caucasus region. With less than 10% of the population insured, there is potential to dramatically improve the penetration rate and this further growth potential is expected to ....


In recent years, Kazakhstan has completely reformed its pension and social security system and it continues to update the structure and provisions as part of the comprehensive reforms aimed at transforming the country by 2050.

Having implemented a three-pillar pension system, the state seemed to be seeking to establish a good working relationship with the private sector and to create an integrated system of both state and private sector benefits. Pillar I is the state pension provision, a defined benefit scheme funded ....


In recent years, Kazakhstan has completely reformed its social security system and it continues to update the structure and provisions as part of the comprehensive reforms aimed at transforming the country by 2050. The healthcare sector has also been the subject of review and a loan of USD 80mn from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development will help finance a new health insurance project.

In 2016 Kazakhstan's total spend on healthcare was equal to 4.3% of GDP according ....

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