Axco continues to modify and enhance our products to reflect market needs and feedback from our customers. New features will soon be available to the following products:
The much-missed feature to download your PDF directly in your browser has been restored. Now you have the option to download the report or, for large files or if you are working on more than one report, have the PDF emailed to you.
You also have the option to add a custom title that is added to your report email notification to easily identify the report to which the email refers to.
Quickly switch to another Axco product, without returning to the portal, with the waffle menu:
When scrolling through your report, the location information in the left-hand navigation section is now updated more quickly.
We have added the option to switch off the report scroll function for those users who prefer to navigate reports by clicking on each topic.
More enhancements will be added in the next release of software (Q1 2022)
Axco's solutions bring you invaluable insight on global insurance markets & employee benefits to help you make more informed business decisions
Axco is the leading supplier of global insurance market information with over 55 years’ experience in researching and publishing industry intelligence on insurance and employee benefits. Its unique business model and methods of research have enabled the development of an extensive suite of products comprising in-depth reports, focused profiles, Q&A databases, intelligent questioning tools, and email services which are delivered to every corner of the globe.