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The London Market

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Lloyds Building

Insurance Intelligence

Providing expert analysis, independent market insight and company data on the insurance industry.

Insurance market reports are produced following a country visit with interviews with professionals working in the sector with systematic updates to information throughout the cycle. Covering market developments, macroeconomic factors and comprehensive details of the regulatory environment including relevant taxation as well as market indicators and company statistics.

Axco’s London Market Report also comprises a detailed analysis of lines of business and sub-classes such as:

as well as the limited number of syndicates writing Life business

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Information for the London Market can be seen in:

Insurance Market Reports (Non-Life) Insurance Market Reports (Life & Benefits)

Country Information

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The London insurance market is a distinct, separate part of the UK insurance and reinsurance market. It consists of insurance and reinsurance companies, Lloyd's syndicates and brokers engaged in the conduct of internationally traded insurance and reinsurance business. It is almost exclusively a non-life market.

The London Market is a world leader for large industrial insurances and such specialist areas of the market as aviation, energy and marine risks as well as reinsurance. Business comes from around the globe with an emphasis on North American risks. In 2018, just over half of Lloyd's business came from the US and Canada.

In 2019, there were 91 syndicates and special purpose arrangements (SPAs) at Lloyd's run by 52 Lloyd's managing agents.

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